Washington Magic Latest News


I can do ten closeup card effects maybe as well as anyone. Just ask sometime to show you. But I’m faking it compared to the great card men of history: Houdin, Hofzinger, Leipzig, Malini, Marlo, Vernon, and Levant. And I’m only as good as I am because I’ve had the honor of studying with or seeing the great card men of today: Wonder, Burger, Lorayne, Green, Ackerman, Thompson, Maven, and Ben.

But then, there is Juan Tamariz, the Einstein of closeup card magic. Tamariz is completely different. When he does some card magic, even the best magicians just scratch their heads…

Once, crazily, in a blinding Pennsylvania snowstorm, I drove two hours to see Tamariz perform and lecture. As the snow fell harder and harder, I figured I’d be one of maybe just a few to see this Spanish master… and who knows? Maybe it will just be Tamariz and me!

Trudging through snow, opening the door…  I was greeted by a packed house of equally crazy magicians. They all came to see Tamariz.

Read why in this New York Times story.

And… come see closeup card and great stage magic on Saturday February 4th at our next Washington Magic performance.

Tickets are selling super-fast and will sell out for this elegant evening and dinner featuring John McLaughlin, Eric Henning, Savino Recine, Dr. Krishan Mathur, Rahaan Jackson and, flying in from Asia… me, David Morey.

Come join us for a very special show and evening: www.washingtonmagic.com.


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